Discover a World of Possibilities with Boundless!

Discover a world of possibilities with Boundless, an extensive collection of ebooks, audio and digital media. Whether you’re an avid reader or someone who listens to audio at 2x speed, Boundless is your gateway to the best in digital content and programming.
Access our digital library from the comfort of your own device, so you can read, learn and explore wherever you are. The My Shelf feature is a personalized page for all of your checkouts. You can also view specially curated carousels and content based on your reading activities and interests.  With insights, goals and badges, you can set personal reading goals, track your progress and earn badges!
Boundless makes it easy for the whole family to get involved in reading. Once you download the app or use the web version, you can create user profiles within your account. Sign up all members of your family with teen and kid friendly experiences!
Key Features

  • Ebooks and audio access
  • Streaming videos
  • PDF activities as well as video books
  • Hit your personal reading goals and earn badges!
  • View specially curated carousels and digital content based on reading activity and interests!

 All you need to access Boundless is your library card! Download the app in your preferred app store today!

Comics Plus


Comics Plus logo containing link to Library Pass service websiteLibrary Pass logo

Click the icon to get started!

Log in with your Bridgeview Library Card OR Download the Library Pass app

Search for Bridgeview Public Library and enter your Bridgeview Library card.

With COMICSPLUS, you have unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from a variety of library-friendly publishers.

Every title is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on your computer, tablet or phone - NO HOLDS or wait lists required.


Freading logo containing link to registration website
Click the icon to get started.

With a valid Bridgeview Library card you can access Freading to get ebooks.  You can also download the App from the Apple App Store or Android Play Store. 

How Freading works:

Upon logging in with your credentials from your library, you will see a splash page come up, with an easy 1-2-3 guide to enjoying eBooks.

  • In the upper right corner of the site, you will see information regarding your account. Specifically, you will see a "weekly limit". The weekly limit is the amount of titles that you may check out every week. The total is set by your library. If there is an allotment of 3 books per week, and you have used one, the counter will say 1/3.
  • Unused book loans roll over to the following week. Every 4 weeks, unused book loans expire. An individual loan is for 2 weeks and may be renewed for an additional 2 weeks.
  • The library may have an overall book loan limit. If they do, you might not be able to download books, but you will be able to queue up for the following week to do so.

RAILS presents BiblioBoard Library e-Books


Graphic describing the download process for BiblioBoard library app.

We've partnered with BiblioLabs to bring your patrons a collection of e-books that's available to any Illinois resident.
The BiblioBoard platform features four collections:

  1. Recovering the Classics featuring public-domain classics from world literature, with modern cover images

  2. Popup Picks featuring titles that will change quarterly and will include hand-curated e-books from expert librarian curators

  3. The Bodleian Library collection featuring items from Oxford University's Bodleian Library

  4. The Biblioboard Core collection featuring articles, images, books, etc. spanning a wide range of topics

There is no limit on simultaneous use; items in the collections can be read by 1 or 100 patrons at the same time. This means no hold queues and no waiting for titles.

Download the BiblioBoard Library app or visit on any web browser to start reading. 

Popup Picks

Access to BiblioBoard

BiblioBoard Library provides geolocation-based authentication through the IP address of the user's computer or GPS coordinates of their mobile device. Anyone who is physically in Illinois can access the collection without a login. A patron who creates an account while in Illinois will be able to access the collection outside the state by logging into their account.
Your patrons have access to the collections through:

Since BiblioBoard authenticates by geolocation, visiting the website or opening the app will take your patrons directly to the RAILS collections.

We strongly encourage your patrons to create a profile the first time they visit the collection. A BiblioBoard Library profile will allow access to the collections outside of Illinois, as well as the ability to download content for offline reading and to add bookmarks and notes.

You can also go directly to each of the individual collections: