Bridgeview Library is now FINE FREE!

The Bridgeview Public Library now is a fine free Library! This means that any user checking out materials at BPL, regardless of residency, will not be charged overdue fines. Instead of an overdue fine, an alert will be placed on user accounts once an item is overdue for 14 days or longer. This alert will prevent future use of the Library card. Once an overdue item is returned, the alert is removed, no fines are assessed, and the Library card can be used again.

BPL cardholders should be aware that they are subject to the lending policies, including any applicable fines, of other libraries that they visit. Inter-library loan materials remain subject to any applicable overdue fines established by the lending library.

BPL will charge for materials that are lost, damaged, or unreturned.

Fax Services

Bridgeview Public Library will send and receive faxes for $2.00/50 pages per fax. 
Please stop by the Circulation Desk for more information.

Copy Machine

20 cents per copy

Bridgeview Public Library has 1 Copy Machine available for public use near the Circulation Desk. 

All copies are 20 cents each.

Multiple forms of payment are accepted including coins, cash, credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, etc.

ePRINTit - Secure Cloud Printing from your device!

20 cents per print

ePRINTit Logo containing clickable link to ePRINTit website

ePRINTit - Secure Cloud Printing from your device!

Save the file to your device.

Access ePRINTit from Bridgeview Library website here

Upload your file.  Name your file anything you like - Must have 5 characters.  Click Submit!

Enter file name in print release station.  Follow directions at kiosk.

20 cents per print.

Multiple forms of payment are accepted including coins, cash, credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, etc.

Follow directions at the kiosk.

Print from a Public Computer

20 cents per print

Public Computers are available for printing.

Sign on with your valid library card or a guest pass from any service desk.

All prints are 20 cents each.

Multiple forms of payment are accepted including coins, cash, credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, etc.


Bridgeview Public Library has a scanner system available for public use.

Choose the bed scanner or high speed scanner.  Documents go face down.

You may scan items to an e-mail, a flash drive, a smart phone or tablet, or a Google Drive. 

There is no cost to use the scanner.  For more information please stop by the Circulation or Reference Desk.