Unattended Children Policy

Unattended Children Policy

Proposed 9-13-21 Adopted 12-13-21

The Bridgeview Public Library is dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for patrons of all ages. Youth services staff members are committed to helping children with activities related to the library, but staff members do not supervise children and will not serve as caregivers, teachers, or disciplinarians.

Parents are responsible for the behavior and well-being of their children at all times.
Children nine (9) years of age and younger must be accompanied and directly supervised at all times by a parent or other responsible caregiver. Caregivers must be at least 16 years of age and able to attend to the child’s safety and ensure appropriate behavior. If a child nine (9) years of age and younger is found unattended, a staff member will attempt to find the caregiver in the building. If the caregiver cannot be located, police  will be called. Library staff will stay with the child until police arrive.
Children ages 10-13 years of age may use the library unattended for a total of 3 hours per day providing they are able to maintain acceptable behavior and act respectfully to other patrons and staff. After 3 hours, children must be picked up from the library.
Children 14 years of age and older may use the library without time restriction and without supervision providing they are able to act with respect, maturity, and adhere to the library rules and policies.
All patrons, including children, are subject to library rules and policies concerning behavior, conduct and demeanor. Repeated violation of rules or policies may result in parents needing to be with a child even if the child is 10 years of age or older. All children must have contact information for a parent or caregiver in case of emergency, library closure, or rule violations.
In the event that any child 13 years of age or younger is still on the library premises after the library closes to the public, the police will be called to pick up the child. Attempts will be made during that time to reach parents if possible. In NO instance will staff take a child home.